Jul 4, 2007

Russell Brown. Live from the Blogosphere

Russell spoke about the growing trend in the media industry, especially with news-media, to consider blogging seriously as a new channel. Fresh of his success at the Qantas Media Awards taking the first-ever blog prize, he spoke about how no one in the iindustry can predict the future as flexibility is becoming the key for survival.

The four biggest challenges he felt were:
- who controls the network?
- who pays for all of this?
- whose truth?
- what's the end?

He was a brilliant speaker when considering the wider implications and bigger picture stuff of scholarship and for more on his blog and work, try his website:


Russell spoke in detail about Dr Chrichton Limbert from the BBC and the challenges that the Beeb is facing with the rise of citizen journalism, along with the multiple formats and delivary systems available.
Try this Listener article for further details.

Russell stressed the notion of veractiy, truth and accuracy as being mainstays we need to impart in all of our courses to students.

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